Buncom, Oregon
Historic Ghost Town

Tie your horse to the hitching post and get your mail from the postmaster in Historic Buncom, Oregon. A taste of the Wild West gone past. At the corner of Sterling Creek Road and…

Edible Wild Berries
of Southern Oregon

Throughout Oregon and the Rogue Valley, you can also find the serviceberry(2), huckleberry(3), and salmonberry(4). Some people even have made their gardens habitable…

Southern Oregon Morel
Mushroom Hunting Guide

Morel Mushrooms delectable, but super hard to find. Like an Easter Egg or Where’s Waldo hunt for big kids. Check out this Southern Oregon guide to hunting morels.

Fishing with Worms in the
Great Oregon Outdoors

WORMS!!!! Every Oregon Fisherman has worms for fishing right? BUT….are you presenting them correctly for the type or size of fish you want? There are two methods to baiting…

Oregon Trout species identification

Oregon Trout species identification

I hear a lot of the time, from quite a few people, "What kind of trout is THAT?!" Well, in southern Oregon, there are a few species that look wildly different. Rainbow, Lake, Brown, and more, all are of the same species of Salmonids, but they look completely...

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Pilot Rock Southern Oregon

Pilot Rock
Southern Oregon

Located in the Soda Mountain Wilderness Area, Pilot Rock is one of the most identifiable landmarks near the Oregon-California border in Jackson County. Take I-5 to the Callahan’s…

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Fourmile Lake Klamath County

Fourmile Lake
Klamath County

Located in Klamath County, Oregon at the base of Mt. McLaughlin, Fourmile Lake is a great choice for camping, hiking, fishing and views. Car accessible, fishing boat friendly…

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Tunnel 13 & Abandoned  Siskiyou Station

Tunnel 13 & Abandoned
Siskiyou Station

The 2 mile round trip hike to the the historic, abandoned Siskiyou Station and Tunnel 13 starts on I-5 South of Ashland. You will park at the West corner of the Mount Ashland off-ramp, not far from…

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Buncom, Oregon Historic Ghost Town

Buncom, Oregon
Historic Ghost Town

Tie your horse to the hitching post and get your mail from the postmaster in Historic Buncom, Oregon. A taste of the Wild West gone past. At the corner of Sterling Creek Road and…

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Welcome to GreatOregonOutdoors.com, a culmination of magazine-styled information from Southern Oregon Outdoors on Facebook and the mind of the Editor Ryan R. Mallory.  Check out hikes, views, camping, photography, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, wildlife, 4×4 runs, off roading, country drives, biking, water sports and the Southern Oregon Outdoor Lifestyle!  As you navigate the articles featured on this page or use the pop-out menu in the upper right corner of the site to surf categories.  Check it out, then GET OUT THERE!

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